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The Impact of Music on Mental Health




In the springtime of our lives, we get to unravel and discover unexpected ways of entertainment. Listening to the harmonized version of an individual’s composition might even make you healthier, as suggested by some research. The notion that music can influence your behavior instincts conveys much more than just an assurance of contentment. 


Research suggests that we spend about 40% of our waking hours listening to music both actively and passively. Such an encounter affects our emotional lingo around 60% of what we spend associating our emotions to it. Through music we can put into practice the integration of one’s mind and body.  


Daniel Siegel Loanso & His Passion for Music


Daniel Siegel Loanso has released several acclaimed albums, performed at prestigious venues and festivals. The contemporary music that he composes not only shapes the cultural identities but the personal sense of belonging with his audience. Over the course of years, Daniel Siegel, in the industry of soulful jazz, has been able to deliver heartfelt performances. 


Daniel’s passion for music shines through a spectrum of audiences of all ages in today’s time. Composing music, as a form of self-expression, is seldom underrated. However, it is helpful in a myriad of ways in boosting mental health. The density of assonance with one’s mind and soul can bring out the most serene emotions in people. That is, considering the substances inter-linking the distinction and connectivity between the art and the artist. 


Uncovering The Resonance of Music


Archaeologists in 2009 excavating a cave in Southern Germany unearthed a flute structured from a vulture’s wing bone. Such a delicate instrument is known to be dated as one of the oldest musical instruments on our planet Earth. The discovery of soulful music and rhythms is yet unknown to mankind. Indicating over 40,000 years ago, modern-class scientists have been able to discover as to why we listen to music the way we do. 


Listening to soulful music has its benefits both individually and collectively. The structure of validating and processing the positive impacts of listening to music are many. Many researchers over the years have proved that listening to notable music heightens and elevates mood swings. 


Music Through Time & Mind Uncovered


  • Listening to Music Can Lead to Equipped Learning


The esteemed doctors at John Hopkins have recommended that listening to soulful music can lead to stimulated mental health. Thus, this further leads to the reduction in stress, processed emotions reflecting a relaxed state of mind. 


  • The Power of Improved Memory


Music has the notable ability to intersect the mind in improving one’s ability to memorize. With the power of science and technology in today’s era, music memory is one of the fundamental functions resistant to dementia. 


  • The Neurological Impact of Listening to Music


Music literally changes the neurological ailments of one’s brain. Researchers have focused on understanding the relationship of neurochemicals produced by the brain as triggers while listening to music. Of all the ages of civilization, listening to music has been associated with the suggested therapy improving the lives of people with schizophrenia. 




When we compare humans today with our caveman ancestors, something that has remained consistent is the ability to respond to music. The neurochemicals released in our brain often cater to the reduction of stress in human beings. Daniel Siegel, with his soulful artistry in music has been able to deliver commendable music compositions witnessed by his audience. The deep investment put in by him through time and time has been relentlessly successful. For some, music may just be a metaphor influencing the nuanced realities in life.

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